Garage Door Maintenance: What You Need to Know

Without proper maintenance, your garage door could break down and force you to leave your vehicle outdoors. This can be avoided with regular maintenance to keep your garage door working like a dream.

It will also allow you to catch any problems before they become costly repairs.

How Often Should Garage Doors Be Maintained?

It is recommended that garage doors be maintained every 3000 cycles or once a year, whichever comes first. That means if you use your garage multiple times per day, you may end up servicing it more often than once a year. If you only use it twice a day, then you should just schedule yearly maintenance.

The climate of where you live can also affect how often the door needs to be serviced, so if you are in a particularly cold area, you may want to ask a professional about the recommended schedule.

Can I Do the Maintenance Myself?

Some maintenance can be performed as a DIY project. Start by opening and closing the doors and listening for anything unusual. If you hear any odd sounds like screeching or whining, you can apply lubrication to the metallic moving parts such as hinges, pulleys, springs, rollers and tracks.

Check all the bolts and screws and ensure they are tightened. Look for cracks or splits in the rollers or other key components. If your system has sensors to prevent the door from closing on any objects, you can engage the door and then wave something across the sensor to check that it is in good working order. You can also test the alignment of the door by stopping it mid-way and observing if the door moves up, down, or holds its position.

When To Call the Professionals

If you are doing regular checks and maintenance yourself and things are running smoothly, you only need to call in a professional once a year. You may need them more often if something fails.

It may be tempting to wait until the next scheduled maintenance rather than calling a technician immediately. However, if you continue to use the door while it is broken, you may end up with expensive repairs later. It is better to have someone come and check that your garage door is functioning properly before it breaks down completely or causes irreversible damage.

Are you in need of a good garage door maintenance professional? Contact Cornwall Garage Door Centre and find out how we can help.