A sleek Anthracite grey SWS Compact roller garage door, featuring a 90-degree fascia for a seamless finish. The low-level external release adds convenience and functionality to the design. This modern garage door exudes style and functionality, enhancing the aesthetics of any home.

Great Ways To Free Up Space In Your Garage

A space with a lot of tools, materials, and storage use, not to mention housing a car, may not need to be as cosy as your living room or bedroom. However, if it’s seeing a lot of use and traffic, even just for grabbing tools or getting in and out of the car, you can make those daily transitions a lot smoother and your mind a lot tidier, if you keep your garage clear of clutter and well organised.

You also won’t lose things so easily and spend quite as much time finding a particular screw if everything is neatened up and put in its designated place. If you think there’s little you can do with limited space, think again. Here we’ve got some fantastic tips for freeing up space in your garage.

Ceiling Storage

There are many ingenious storage solutions these days, even hanging storage shelves or boxes that slide easily back and forth or manoeuvre down from the ceiling. Or you can simply install one big overhead storage rack. This will free up tons of floor and wall space.

Stackable Boxes

It can be easy to accumulate a mishmash of boxes of varying types and shapes. Because of this, they easily become a bit of a disorganised jumble, despite your efforts to make them otherwise.

A simple solution to tidy things up and keep them clearly organised is with stackable boxes of the same type. There are plenty of options out there, including some with varying sizes or segmented sections to separate the bits and pieces within. With a simple change of storage containers to ones that slot neatly together in one tower, the resultant savings in space can be huge.

Hang Bikes and Tools On hooks

Instead of leaning your bikes or gardening tools against the walls in jumbles that make for a good trip hazard, and make it harder to find what you’re looking for within said jumble, install hooks on the walls to hold up each item. This will keep them flat against the wall instead of protruding into the room and lift them off the floor for more floor space. It also makes things much easier to find, pick up, and put back items without getting into a wrestling match with an array of other tools or bikes.

Garage Door Type

Another way to save space is with certain garage door types. Up-and-over garage doors or sectional garage doors are very common, but they do require more internal space for the tracks and the door itself to open, as it retracts into the garage space.

This limits the number of storage solutions you can have in your garage, as you won’t be able to install ceiling storage, or have as much space up the walls for hooks or shelves – shelves are another great way to free up space.

So if you really want to maximise your space and you have the funds or are perhaps installing a new garage door anyway, consider investing in a roller or hinged garage door. Either of these options takes minimal to no space away from the inside of your garage.

If you’re looking for garage door suppliers in Cornwall, get in touch with the experts at Cornwall Garage Doors Centre today.