Your Guide to Garage Spring Cleaning

Is your garage looking a little worse for wear? Spring is the perfect time to air it out and do some deep cleaning. This can be a daunting task to start with, especially if it’s filled to the brim with clutter, but with the right supplies and this handy checklist from Cornwall Garage Doors you’ll be powering through it in no time. Keep reading for some helpful tips!


We recommend moving everything out of the garage into your garden or onto your driveway before you start. Trust us – having to stop your spring clean every 5 minutes to move things out of your way will quickly get tiresome.

Take this as an opportunity to sort through your stuff. Whether something’s past its best or would just be better off stored elsewhere, relocating or disposing of your items as you move them will make the decluttering process so much easier and save you from having to carry out this tedious task sometime in the near future.

Dust and vacuum

Dusting not only makes your garage look and feel cleaner, but it can also help to reduce symptoms of dust-related allergies. When dusting, be sure to start at the top and work your way down – that way you only have to clean the dust off the floor or lower shelves once.

Once you’ve dusted, it’s time to vacuum. Vacuuming is a more effective method of clearing dust and dirt from garage floors than a broom or brush; the debris on garage floors is often too fine for most brushes or brooms. You can use your vacuum to give the walls and ceiling another once-over too.

Clean the floor

Garage floors are very susceptible to stains, for example, from oil or rust. Removing these stains will give your garage a new fresh look and can help to keep your floor in great condition for years to come.

We recommend using a nylon bristle brush when cleaning your garage floor, as this won’t scratch the concrete. Different cleaning solutions work best for different types of stains, too, so make sure to research these before starting.

Once you’ve finished scrubbing your garage floor, the easiest way to remove your chosen cleaning solution is to spray it with a hose or go over it with a mop.

Clean the door

Knowing how to clean your garage door properly can help to prevent rust and extend the lifespan of the door’s finish. One key thing to remember when cleaning a garage door is to proceed with caution in order to avoid scratching the paint.

When it comes to your door, dish soap or car wash soap is the best choice. Apply this with a non-abrasive sponge or cloth and dry it with a clean, dry towel. It is best to work from top to bottom, and remember to clean both sides of the door. If you have a steel door, you will also want to apply wax to protect its finish.

If you notice any damage or wear and tear whilst cleaning your garage door, Cornwall Garage Doors can help. With over 30 years of experience in supplying and repairing garage doors in the Cornwall area, you can rest assured that we’ll find the right solution for you. Contact us today to find out more.