Five Common Garage Door Repairs

If you own a garage, it’s likely that you’ll use it on more or less a daily basis. Whether it’s a place to store your car or it’s been transformed into a habitable living space, it’s fair to say that a garage is a fairly integral part of a property. A sturdy door is what protects your garage from water damage, your car from theft and, it can also be crucial in securing your home. However, if your garage door is in need of repair, this could well compromise its functionality.

As with most things, a garage door that’s operated on a daily basis is subject to wear and tear and it’s important to get these repairs seen to promptly so as not to let your door deteriorate. Whilst it’s advisable to get any issue with your garage door diagnosed by a professional, there are certain things you can do to prevent such problems from cropping up in the first place.

Whether your garage door has started to slow down in movement or it has frozen entirely, don’t despair. Most garage door malfunctions are fairly simple to rectify and can be dealt with quickly and efficiently by an expert in the field. However, it’s important to know what to look out for so you can act fast.

To help you get your garage door back up and running as quickly as possible, we’ve listed five common problems that many (if not all) garage doors will experience in their lifetimes along with what you can do to prevent such issues from recurring.

Broken door springs

The springs are an essential part of the mechanism that opens and closes a garage door. Whilst a broken spring is an extremely common problem, it can significantly affect the functionality of the door and should be seen to sooner rather than later.

When it comes to the lifespan of a garage door spring, they can last anywhere from 4-9 years. However, this will be conditional upon how often the garage is used. Although a broken or worn out spring is nothing to worry about, it can be dangerous to replace if you’re not a professional. With this in mind, it’s important to contact a garage door specialist to carry out the job for you. Not only will they have replacement parts of the highest quality, but they will also be able to repair your door quickly and safely.

There isn’t much that can be done to prevent springs from breaking as this is usually a symptom of general wear and tear. However, one of the best things you can do for your garage door is to lubricate certain parts periodically. A garage door relies on many moving parts to operate and it’s not uncommon for these to become stiff over time. So, to ensure your garage door continues to open and close smoothly, certain parts need to be lubricated every few months- and the springs are no exception.

Electrical problems

If you have an automated garage door, there may come a time when you experience an electrical malfunction. Whether your remote control isn’t working, the wall switch isn’t eliciting a response or you’re having both of these problems, this is a definite sign that something is wrong with the opener. If there is no disruption to the power supply and your remote has working batteries, you may need to get the electrical aspects of your garage door assessed by a professional as tinkering with things yourself could be dangerous.

Alternatively, there may be a problem with the photo eyes. This is a detection system that’s made up of two sensors located on either side of the garage door. When they detect any obstruction, these sensors will prevent the garage door from opening and closing and although this is an important safety feature, it’s not uncommon for photo eyes to malfunction.

If you can’t see anything that could be obstructing the photo eyes, give them a clean as dirt can often prevent them from operating properly, or it may be that your photo eyes have become misaligned and simply need to be put back into position. However, if you’re not having any luck with either of these solutions, it’s likely that the sensors have gone bust and need to be replaced, in which case, a garage door repair expert will likely be able to assist.

Getting back on track with a garage door service

If a garage door comes off its tracks, this will cause it to move unevenly and will likely prevent it from opening and closing properly. This is extremely common and can happen for all sorts of reasons. Perhaps some bolts have come loose and caused the track to become misaligned, or maybe the tracks have become dented with excessive use. Whatever the problem is, it’s important to get it diagnosed and repaired by a professional as the job could be dangerous for someone without the necessary experience.

Cleaning the tracks regularly will prevent dirt and grime from building up which, in turn, will reduce the likelihood of any track-related issues. Also, if you’re keen to stop your garage door from malfunctioning unexpectedly, it’s advisable to get it serviced by a professional every few months as this will ensure it’s always operating at peak efficiency.

Bent or dented panels: are you in need of a garage door replacement?

As previously mentioned, a garage door is not immune to wear and tear and in addition to all the small parts, the door itself can become damaged. Perhaps your garage door has warped in the sun, or maybe it’s been accidentally bumped by a vehicle. Either way, a bent or dented panel not only detracts from the aesthetic appeal of a garage door, but it may also affect its ability to open and close.

Depending on how severe the damage is, you may be able to reshape your garage door yourself. However, this could end up exacerbating the problem if you’re not sure of what you’re doing, and it may be that the panel (or the entire door) needs to be replaced entirely. With this in mind, it’s advisable to rely on the assistance of a garage door specialist as they’ll have the correct tools and parts needed to restore your door back to its former glory.

Whilst your garage door is bound to deteriorate slightly over the years, there are things you can do to maintain its original state. For example, if you have a steel door that’s starting to show signs of rust, this will need to be sanded, primed and repainted to keep it looking fresh. Depending on the door you have, it’s important to keep up with maintenance and further to this, be gentle with your garage door and operate your vehicle carefully around it to prevent any more dents from appearing.

Worn out rollers

Finally, if your rollers are particularly worn, this can cause a garage door to stop in its tracks and these will likely need to be replaced. When you consider how often a garage door is opened and closed, it’s not surprising that certain parts wear out with time. However, as a general rule, these should be replaced every five years to ensure you don’t wind up paying for a hefty repair bill.

In addition to swapping your rollers out regularly, lubrication is needed to stop them from becoming stiff. A bit of diligence and attention to detail will ensure your garage door continues to operate smoothly and you won’t have to pay over the odds for this common problem to be rectified.

At Cornwall Garage Door Centre, we offer the best aftercare for garage doors whether you’ve purchased them from us or another supplier. Our team has the experience and expertise needed to tackle any repair job, and we carry out work on most major brands.

After your garage door installation, we will be on hand to service or repair your garage door whenever you need and we pride ourselves on offering the best rates to ensure you don’t pay more unnecessarily.

To discuss garage door repair costs with a member of our team, contact us today and we promise to carry out a swift yet accurate assessment of your door.