Five Common Garage Door Repairs

For many, a garage is a lot more than just a space to park the car. From tools and bikes to gardening equipment and household bric-a-brac, a garage is the perfect place to store a whole host of items.

Whilst this can be extremely convenient for those who lack the space to keep these items in the home, a garage that’s full to the brim can be chaotic to say the least. These spaces are designed to make our lives simpler, but when you find yourself rummaging through endless piles of junk just to find the one thing you need, it may be time to take action.

Although cleaning up a garage that contains years worth of stuff may seem like a mammoth task, it’s the best way to create some much-needed space and establish order amidst the chaos. Need a hand tackling the big reorganisation? We’ve listed a few tips on how best to transform a messy garage into a neat and practical space.

Wall and ceiling storage

When it comes to owning a jam-packed garage, every bit of floor space is precious and with this in mind, it’s important to get creative with storage. A bike can take up a lot of room in a garage, so why not install a bike shelf on your wall? These are easy to fit and can make a huge difference in an overcrowded space. You could even have some racks on your ceiling to store lesser used items such as seasonal clothing or camping gear.

Organise and declutter

This may seem like an obvious thing to point out, but the best way to neaten up a garage is to have a mass clear out. If there are items in there that are gathering dust, it may be time to bite the bullet and toss them out. Once you’ve gotten rid of all the junk, it’s important to organise what’s left. As previously mentioned, storage units can be extremely useful in tidying up and you could even sort your things into categories to make items easier to find.

Use all available space

If you own a particularly large garage, it may be an idea to turn half of it into a habitable living space. As well as making the most of your garage space, this will also likely free up some space in your home if you find that things are feeling a bit cluttered. For example, any bulky gym equipment that’s cluttering up your home could be transferred to the garage, giving you a more private place to work out. Alternatively, if you play an instrument, why not use your garage as a place to practice? This is another chance to get creative as whatever your hobbies are, your garage can be adapted to suit your lifestyle.

Have a roller garage door installed

If your garage door is on its last legs, a roller garage door could be the ideal replacement. As they open vertically, roller garage doors free up overhead storage space, making them the perfect space-saving option. At Cornwall Garage Door Centre, our roller shutter garage doors are made to measure and can be purchased in a variety of different colours and finishes. There is also the option to have a manual or automated operating system, meaning you can customise your garage door to suit your home down to a tee.

To discuss your requirements with a member of our team in Cornwall, contact us today and maximise your garage space with Cornwall Garage Door Centre.