How to Prolong Your Garage Door’s Lifespan

If you discover your garage door needs a major repair, you’ll want to contact a professional – some tasks could cause injuries if they aren’t handled by a garage repairs professional, so it’s really not worth the risk of trying to deal with them yourself.

That being said, basic garage door maintenance is relatively easy and doesn’t require special tools or a whole lot of time. Even just setting aside an afternoon every couple of weeks to give each component some attention will help the whole system operate more efficiently. Here are some simple tips to help you prolong the lifespan of your garage door, courtesy of Cornwall Garage Door Centre.

Regular inspection

A visual inspection is a great place to start when it comes to keeping your garage door in top condition. Take a look at the individual components every now and then to ensure that they are functioning at their best. The components you’ll need to examine include the arms, cables, springs, rollers and hinges.

If you spot any issues, it’s best to get them identified and resolved by a garage door specialist as soon as possible before they become more serious and cause further damage to your door.


Keeping the components of your garage door well-lubricated will ensure your door runs smoothly, as well as stop any annoying squeaks and creaks. Oiling any metallic and/or moving parts (such as hinges, pivots points, nuts, bolts and rollers) even just a couple of times a year can add years onto the lifespan of your garage door.

One of the most important areas to lubricate is the tension springs, as they do the heavy lifting and therefore need to keep functioning properly in order for your door to work as it should.


Regardless of the material and style of your door, you should clean it regularly with warm water and a sponge to prevent dirt from building up and causing damage. As well as ensuring your door works as it should and avoids damage, this will also keep it looking its best!

If you have a steel door, use this as an opportunity to look out for rust formation. Any rust spots should be sanded down, primed, and painted over.

Wooden doors can experience paint chipping due to water damage or warping – if you have a wooden garage door, you should keep an eye out for this whilst cleaning. If you notice any chipped paint, sand down and repaint the chipped areas.

Balance testing

The door opening mechanism will be put under excess strain if your garage door isn’t properly balanced. The springs should balance it well enough that it lifts with only a small amount of force. You can test this by manually opening the door halfway – if all is well, it should stay in place once you let go of it. If it doesn’t, it’s probably not balanced properly. This will wear out the springs if left unresolved, so you should call a garage door repair service straight away.

At Cornwall Garage Door Centre, we can help you keep your door in peak condition for years to come. Whether you’re looking for garage doors that can stand the test of time or a range of reliable maintenance services, we can help. Contact us today.