When to Replace Your Commercial Garage Door

Commercial garage doors tend to have more importance than the average residential garage door. Whether you have it set up as an entrance to your building or simply a way to enter the garage for your business, the door is an important part of your security system.

As an important part of your commercial business, you need to maintain your commercial garage door and ensure that you replace it when necessary.

How do you know when your door needs replacing? There are a number of signs.

It Breaks Frequently

If you need to repair your garage door frequently, this can be costly and annoying. It also provides less security if it isn’t as functional as it once was. You should be sure to look carefully at the door on a regular basis to ensure it is fully functional. Even a small flaw could allow burglars to get in.

After a certain number of breakdowns, you will save money by simply replacing the door. It’s pointless to continue spending on repairing a door that will simply not work for long. Instead, look at the cost efficiency of buying a new door and having it installed.

It’s Been Breached

Has someone broken into the building through the commercial garage door? If so, it’s likely there is damage and it’s not as secure as it should be. You’ll want to replace the door, but look for something that is more secure and has better options for added safety. For example, you may opt for a metal garage door to keep your building safer.

It’s Older

Older garage doors simply don’t have the same strength and features as new ones. If your garage door is a decade or older, then it’s time to replace it. However, if you find that it’s only a few years old, but is already failing, it’s a good idea to replace the door with something better.

There’s Substantial Damage

Has damage occurred to your garage door? This may be from an accident, such as a vehicle running into it, or something crashing and falling against the door. If there is visible damage, it may not be superficial. Have an expert check the door to ensure it’s still stable and safe to use. If not, you’ll need to replace it. Keep in mind that any obvious damage has likely weakened the materials, though.

Sometimes, you just need to replace your commercial garage door. It’s a necessary expense and will give you peace of mind and security.

Need a new garage door? Contact Cornwall Garage Doors to find out how we can help.