Terms & Conditions

Cornwall Garage Door Centre Limited
Condition of Sale
All sales of Cornwall Garage Door Centre Ltd (herein referred to as ‘CGDC’) shall be deemed to
incorporate these conditions except in so far as these conditions are varied by any
additional/change of conditions agreed in writing between CGDC & our customers.
‘Customer’ means the person or business who accepts a quotation/estimate of Cornwall Garage Door
Centre for the works.

Catalogues, Price Lists, and any Promotional Literature supplied by CGDC are intended only to give
an indication of the general nature of the goods available and nothing contained in any such
Catalogues, Price Lists and any Promotional Literature shall be or be deemed to be a representation
by CGDC or a condition or warranty affecting any goods sold.
(i) No quotation made by the Seller shall be or be deemed to be an offer to sell goods at the
price or prices stated in such quotation unless otherwise expressly stated
all quotation shall be valid for a fixed period of 30 days from date on quotation.
(ii) Unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing the price payable for all good supplied by
CGDC shall be the price ruling at the date of dispatch, delivery, or installation VAT thereon at
the rate ruling at the date of dispatch. All prices are subject to change.
(i) All spare parts shall be paid for in full by the Customer to the Seller at the time of
ordering, by BACS payment, cash, cheque or by credit or debit card. Labour charge to be settled
upon completion of the job.
(ii) For Door &/or Operator & Repairs, the payment terms overleaf must be adhered to if no terms
are stated then all invoices of CGDC shall be paid by the customer within a maximum seven (7) days
of the date of invoice unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Seller. In the event of late
payment and still outstanding after 21 days, CGDC may charge a £35 administration fee plus interest
at a rate 3.5% above the Bank of England base rate.
(iii) Where trade account facilities are provided, having been expressly agreed in writing by
CGDC, the price shall be paid in full by the Customer to the Seller within 21 days of the date of
the invoice, unless otherwise agreed in writing.
(iv) CGDC reserves the right to charge interest at a rate of 3.5% above the Bank of England base
rate from the date when the price falls due for payment until the date on which such payments are
actually received by CGDC, and in the case of any default in payment the Customer shall give the
Seller every assistance in the repossession of the goods in respect of which payment has not been
(v) Cancellation of an order, will incur a 50% charge of the original quotation price including
VAT. Cancellation is only viable so long as the product, if ordered, has not begun being
manufactured, to which the cost of the product shall need to be paid in full as well as a £200 +
VAT administration fee, payable by the customer.
(i) Title to goods shall only pass to the Customer from the date of payment in full of all sums
payable to CGDC under the contract by which those goods
were supplied or any other contract. Until such time, goods remain the absolute property of CGDC
and the Customer shall keep them insured to their full invoice value.
(ii) Goods should be stored in such a way that they are readily identifiable and CGDC shall be
entitled to repossess such goods at its entire discretion and at any time prior to payment in full
therefore. The Customer hereby grants CGDC, its employees and agents permission to enter the
Customer’s premises for the purpose of repossessing the same. Such repossession shall not affect in
any way the continued existence of any contract between the parties.
(iii) If goods in which title has not passed to the Customer are subjected to any process,
addition or treatment, the property in the goods so processed, added to or treated, shall be vested
in CGDC until title has passed.
(iv) All goods sold by the Customer to third parties before title has passed to the Customer,
shall be sold as an agent for CGDC and all proceeds received from such sales shall be held by the
Customer in trust for CGDC, until payment in full of all amounts outstanding has been received by
the CGDC.
(v) Notwithstanding that property in any goods has not passed to the Customer, CGDC shall be
entitled to issue proceedings against the Customer for the price of such goods if not paid on the
due date.
(i) Any time for the delivery stated by CGDC will be an estimate only on the likely time
required to effect delivery from the date of receipt by CGDC of full and final instructions. CGDC
will make every reasonable effort to comply with such estimate, but the Customer shall have no
right to damages or to cancel any contract with CGDC by reason only of failure on the part of CGDC
to meet any stated delivery time.
(ii) The CGDC will endeavor to comply with reasonable requests by the Customer for postponement
of any stated delivery date but shall be under no enforceable obligation to do so. In the event of
any such postponement at the request of the Customer, the Customer shall pay to CGDC on demand all
costs and expenses thereby incurred including a reasonable charge for storage thereby occasioned.
(iii) When the goods are sold “carriage paid” by CGDC, delivery shall be deemed to take place at
the moment the goods are lifted from the delivery vehicle and thereafter the goods shall be at the
risk of the Customer in all respects.

No claim for goods damaged or lost in transit will be accepted by CGDC unless written notification
of such damage or loss is given to CGDC by the Customer and the delivery company within four
working days of receipt of the goods by the Customer and all damaged goods are retained by the
Purchaser pending inspection by CGDC and the delivery company.
(i) All goods supplied by CGDC are warranted fit for the normal purpose for which such goods are
intended. No liability is accepted if the goods are found
not to be fit for any other purpose whether or not such other purpose was made known to CGDC before
the contract was made. Any recommendations made by CGDC in such circumstances are made in good
faith but as the conditions of use are outside the control of CGDC, it is for the Customer to
satisfy himself as to the suitability of the goods, and in no circumstances (except death or injury
caused by CGDC’s negligence) shall CGDC be liable for any loss injury or damage caused or arising
whether in contact or in tort save as expressly provided and to the extent provided in this
(ii) If any defect in workmanship or materials shall manifest itself in any goods supplied by
CGDC within 24 months (manufacturing default) or 12 months (CGDC workmanship) of the date of
delivery thereof provided always that the goods shall have been found not to be to specification
CGDC have the right at its sole discretion to replace free of charge to the Customer (other than
the cost of carriage) any such goods or parts thereof and the Customer shall be obliged to accept
such replacement in full satisfaction of its claim. If CGDC shall fail to replace such goods or
parts thereof any amount recoverable by way of damages from CGDC by the Customer shall be limited
to the difference between the value of the goods at the time of the delivery.
(iii) Any warranty claims after 24 months of delivery will incur a labour charge from CGDC to
replace the materials.

(i) All Doors, Operators & Spare Parts are guaranteed as per the relevant manufacturers, details
of which are clearly marked in the manufacturer’s sales literature.
(ii) All labour undertaken on Doors & Operators is guaranteed for a period of 12 months from the
date of installation, unless otherwise stated in correspondence.
(iii) All Labour undertaken on Repairs is guaranteed for a period of 6 months from the date of
installation, unless otherwise stated in correspondence.
(iv) This Warranty does not cover consequential loss or damage and excludes normal wear and tear
on items such as, batteries, spindles, cables, lock cylinders, hinges or springs.
(v) The maximum liability under the warranty shall be the original purchase price inclusive of
VAT at the time of installation.
(vi) Please retain your invoice as proof of purchase and confirmation of delivery and/or
installation date, failure to produce a receipt/invoice may result in the claim being declined.
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(i) Cables/Cone & Cables are classed by the manufacturers as consumables and are therefore NOT
covered by their or our guarantee.
(ii) Claims for marks on insulated roller doors slats occur through salt residue build up,
regular washing of the door will prevent excessive build up and prevent marks, please note claims
for marks are excluded from the standard guarantee for properties within 2.5miles of the coast.
(iii) Please note Batteries, Keys, Handles, roller door auto locks/knuckle joints are excluded
from the standard guarantee.
(iv) All guarantees are only valid providing the mechanism has been regularly maintained, no
claim will be entertained due to failure due to neglect & general wear & tear.
(v) All doors do a ‘reasonable’ job of keeping the outside out and the inside in, but the nature
of how they are made and how they operate means they are not hermetically – sealed. Customers
should ask or take a look at what they can expect and how to get the best from their door.
(vi) When the door is closed, light ingress is to be expected – when it’s daylight outside and
your lights are off, your garage will not be pitch black. The door seals are reasonably effective
at stopping light passage but will not eliminate it. This will be more pronounced generally where
seals meet, on seals that are between moving sections and particularly in corners
(vii) Where light can get in, so can a draft. With a well installed door that has seals in good
condition, drafts will be minimal, but the door is not sealed completely.

(viii) Under normal weather conditions water ingress should also be minimal, but you may
experience some ingress, as with light and drafts, where seals meet and in corners. Under extreme
conditions, driving rain and high winds, ingress can be expected to increase. Never jet wash a
door, not only may it damage the finish, but it can force open seals causing water ingress The
threshold is also a point where water ingress may occur. Gaps between the bottom seal and the
threshold arising from an uneven threshold or (in the case of side hinged garage doors) a poorly
fitted threshold will allow water ingress. If rain runoff can collect and pool at the bottom of a
door instead of draining away from the door into a drainage channel, water ingress may occur.
Fitting the door onto a stepped rebate behind a drainage channel is often effective in greatly
reducing the likelihood of water ingress.

In the event of any act of God, outbreak of war either general or local, riot or other civil
commotion, strike lock-out or act or decree of any government or any other mater beyond reasonable
control of CGDC,
(i) CGDC shall not be liable for any injury or damage of any kind thereby caused or resulting
there from; and
(ii) CGDC may at the sole discretion of the Seller withdraw wholly or in part from the contract
without any liability whatsoever. The construction validity and performance of this contract shall
be governed by the laws of England and all disputes which may arise under out of or in connection
with or in relation to this contract shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of England.
These Terms and Conditions are also available in large print
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Photography and Videography Rights
(i) We reserve the right to take photographs and videos of the work commenced by CGDC. By
agreeing to these terms and conditions, you grant us permission to capture, record, and use any
such content publicly. This includes, but is not limited to, use on our website, social media
platforms, marketing materials, and other promotional activities. The content will be used solely
for the purpose of showcasing our work and promoting our services.
If you have any concerns or specific restrictions regarding this matter, please communicate them to
us in writing before the commencement of the project.
Liability Disclaimer
(i) CGDC holds no liability for any damage that is not directly caused by our actions or
negligence. We take utmost care in delivering our services; however, any damage resulting from
external factors, third parties, or pre-existing conditions falls outside our responsibility.
(ii) Once an order has been approved by the customer, CGDC holds no liability for any issues
arising from the approved work. It is the customer’s responsibility to thoroughly review and ensure
all details are correct before giving approval. Any subsequent changes or dissatisfaction with the
approved order will not be grounds for liability claims against CGDC.
If the installed work is different from the approved order, We will make the necessary corrections
Please ensure that any concerns or discrepancies are addressed prior to approving the order to
avoid any misunderstandings or issues post-approval.